Posted tagged ‘employee training’

I love it when they say that!

October 16, 2009

I just got off the phone with one of my clients.  I worked with a member of her team on a behavioral issue several months ago.  This guy, we’ll call him Bob, was a bit of a hot head.  He yelled a lot, or at least that’s the way others saw it.  My client, we’ll call her Tina, didn’t think anything could really be done about Bob.  I didn’t know it at the time, but she told her boss that it would take a miracle worker to turn him around.

Today, Tina said Bob was doing so much better.  The difference was like night and day.  She shared her initial skepticism with me and thanked me for being a miracle worker. 

Of course, I’m under no illusion that I can work any type of miracle.  I can only offer insight and suggestions.  The person I’m coaching is the one who has to make things happen.  In this case, Bob was very open to the information.  He had some “aha” moments when we re-framed interactions to help him see other people’s viewpoints.  He was a willing student – and that made all the difference.

So here’s to Bob — for being willing to learn and practice what he learned.  He was the real miracle worker here.